


brain healthcare quotient[ITU-TH.861.0]:
A numerica indicator reqresenting physical characteristics of the brain that are pureported to be indicative of some state of a health related condition.




Recommendation ITU-T H.861.1
describes healthcare indices derived from neuroimaging analysis that are called brain healthcare quotients(BHQs), intended to be used for facilitating the communication of information about brain status. It describesth requirements on how such an index is created and also how some concrete BHQs can be defined and calculated. This Recommendation aslo includes examples of services using BHQs to better monitor health for supporting active and alert living. By its defining requirements, BHQs are linked to various healthcare aspects of human life and can be used to improve lifestyles. It gives standardized measurements and indices of brain conditions for specialists and non-specialists.

Recommendation (勧告)

BHQ is requred to be built on th basis of neuroscience; (神経科学に基づくこと)
BHQ is required to be derived from neuroimaging analysis; (脳画像分析に導かれること)
BHQ is required to consider the regional difference of the brain. (脳部位の違いを考慮すること)
BHQ is required to be linked to healthe care aspects; (健康に関係すること)
BHQ is required to represent the state of health related conditions. (健康状態を表象すること)
BHQ is required to employ a standardized score (e.g. mean of population is 100 and 1 standard deviation is
15, so that 95% of population falls within the range of 70-130.) (標準の数値であること)